Below is an extensive list of the variety of research conducted by professors in the Department of Earth Sciences.
Faculty Member | Research |
Anderson, Melissa | Ore deposits, marine geology |
Ariano, Sarah | Hydrology, biogeosciences, environmental sciences |
Bank, Charly | Near surface geophysics |
Bennett, Neil | Experimental petrology, High T and P geochemistry |
Bergquist, Bridget | Metal geochemistry |
Bollmann, Jörg | Paleoceanography, geobiology, paleoecology |
Caron, Jean-Bernard | Paleobiology, paleoecology |
Chazan, Michael | Archaeology, Quaternary Research, Lithic Analysis |
Chu, Xu | Metamorphic and experimental petrology |
Cowling, Sharon | Global carbon cycle |
Desloges, Joseph | Fluvial geomorphology, glaciolacustrine sedimentation, paleohydrology |
Diamond, Miriam | Environmental contaminant fate and exposure |
Dittrich, Maria | Biogeochemistry and geomicrobiology |
Finkelstein, Sarah | Paleoecology, paleoclimatology |
Gregory, Dan | Hydrothermal ore systems |
Halfar Jochen | Paleoclimatology, geobiology |
Hamilton, Mike | Geochronology |
Head, Martin | Marine palynology, paleoceanography |
Heron, Philip | Plate tectonics, supercontinent formation and dispersal, numerical modelling, mantle lithosphere dynamics |
Kamo, Sandra | Radio-isotopic dating (geochronology), Earth's geologic evolution through time |
Laflamme, Marc | Paleontology, sedimentology, taphonomy, fossil, ediacara |
Liu Qinya | Seismology, geophysics |
Lui, Semechah | Seismology and earthquake physics |
Lowman, Julian | Mantle dynamics, numerical modelling |
Peirce, Sarah | Fluvial geomorphology, physical geology |
Pysklywec, Russ | Geodynamics and tectonics |
Rangel, Rodrigo | Environmental geophysics, cryosphere geophysics, hydrogeophysics |
Santimano, Tasca | Structural geology, tectonics, geoscience education |
Schoenbohm, Lindsay | Neotectonics and landscape evolution |
Sherwood Lollar, Barbara | Stable isotope geochemistry |
Simpson, Myrna | Environmental organic geochemistry |
Sio, Corliss | Isotope geochemistry and experimental petrology |
Swidinsky Andrei | Exploration geophysics |
Tait, Kim | Mineralogy, crystallography, meteoritics |
Wortmann, Ulrich | Marine geology, paleoceanography,carbon and sulfur cycling, geomicrobiology |
Xu, Xiaoyong | Environmental Sciences |
Please note that the emeritus faculty listing is for information purposes. While some emeritus professors may be continuing to do research in their retirement, they are not accepting graduate student applications.
Emeritus Faculty | Research |
Anderson, Greg | Geochemistry, thermodynamics |
Bailey, Richard | Geophysics and tectonics |
Davis, Don | Geochronology |
Eyles, Nick | Glacial geology |
Ferris, Grant | Microbial geochemistry |
Gittins, John | Igneous petrology, carbonatites |
Halls, Henry | Paleomagnetism, tectonics |
Henderson, Grant | Amorphous materials, high T and P geochemistry |
Howard, Ken | Hydrogeology, water resources |
Miall, Andrew | Basin analysis, stratigraphy, sedimentology |
Milkereit, Bernd | Exploration geophysics |
Robin, Pierre | Structural and metamorphic geology, geodynamics, numerical methods in geology |
Schwerdtner, Fried | Structural geology, shield terrains |
Spooner, Ed | Fluid geochemistry, ore deposits |
Schulze, Dan | Upper mantle petrology, diamonds |
von Bitter, Peter | Invertebrate paleontology |
Westgate, John | Tephrochronolgy |