SEM Gallery

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The photos below illustrate the imaging capabilities of the departmental SEM. Biological, geological, and synthetic samples can be imaged. Please consult the technician (Dr. Yanan Liu) for more information about your own samples.

Image Examples (SEI)

Fly body


Fly close-up of wings

Fly wings

Fly back shell

Fly back shell

Close-up of fly eyes

Fly eyes

strand of cloth


strands of cloth


Flower petal

Flower petal

Close-up of paper

Close-up of paper

Zircon backscatter

Zircon backscatter electron image

Zircon cathodoluminescence

Zircon cathodoluminescence image

Zircon SEM image

Zircon SEM image

Scale Calibration

Scale calibration sample

Impact of Different Accelerating Voltages

After Cleaning SS48-HV25
1 micron mesh HV20
After cleaning SS48-HV8

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