Graduate Student Resources


The main objective of AGESS is to support the graduate student body and represent its interests within higher levels of the Department and the University. All Earth Sciences graduate students are members of AGESS, which is headed by an executive committee traditionally consisting of a President, Social Chair, Treasurer, and RockFest Chair; other positions may be created should a need be recognized. AGESS elects executives each spring for the following academic year.

In addition to providing academic and personal support, AGESS also coordinates a variety of social engagements throughout the year, including field trips and a semi-formal event at the conclusion of the spring term. AGESS is responsible for organizing RockFest, an event held on Friday afternoons during the fall and winter terms that involves two informal 15-minute presentations by students or faculty. All graduate students are expected to give a Rockfest presentation during their tenure within the Department of Earth Sciences. In the summer months, AGESS holds a weekly BBQ on the fourth floor patio in order to raise money for events throughout the year. AGESS also assists in the maintenance of the graduate and faculty lounge on the third floor of the Earth Sciences Department by providing coffee and teas.

Please direct questions to the AGESS email.

AGESS Executive Representatives 2023-2024

Position Name Email
Co-President Minoli Dias
Co-President Sarah Mount
Vice President/CUPE 3902 Steward Megan Swing
Treasurer Johnathan Sorrentino

Diversity, Inclusion & Acceptance Coordinator position is open


Social Committee Chair Emily McDonald
Social Committee Member Shannon Murtonen
Graduate Mentorship Program Coordinator position is open


Mental Health & Wellness Coordinator postion is open



Our department has an active and vibrant student community that organizes a range of social events for students including a weekly Café, pub nights, the annual Holiday Potluck, camping and field trips.

  • SGS Bootcamps and Writing Intensives
  • The Association of Earth Sciences Graduate Students hold a weekly writing group during the fall/winter term where graduate students and postdoctoral fellows are invited to drop in and out as they work on writing projects. They are Pomodoro-style writing session where they work for 25 minutes and take 5-minute breaks.

AGESS has a graduate student Mentorship program where an incoming earth sciences graduate student can be paired with a more senior student. Details on this program are shared withing the graduate student community at the beginning of the fall semester.

Other information on mentorship can be found at the SGS Centre for Mentorship and Graduate Supervision.

The annual Fall Field Trip is organised by graduate students as a way for incoming students to get to know each other and current students as well as faculty and staff. The trip is usually a weekend long excursion to the Georgian Bay area where students can hike to look at geological features and gather at the end of the day for a campfire. The cost to incoming students is subsidised by the department and it is a great opportunity to get to know everyone.

Graduate students in the department lead the way with many outreach activities including:

  • Science Rendezvous, a campus wide event where departments showcase some exciting science concepts with hands-on activities for all ages. Often student will volunteer for other events happening throughout the year that can include
  • Pursue STEM program — a program that encourages Black youth in the greater Toronto area to study in STEM programs,
  • Science Unlimited Summer Camp — a camp for Grade 11 students where they spend a week on campus participating in Math and Physical Science programs
  • Educational tours and activities for elementary and high school classes

Calls for volunteers can be found through email communication and the weekly departmental e-news.